Thank you AMA Queensland Foundation!

“Today is the best day of my life, because I have a door that locks, and this place has a bathroom. I now don’t eat lunch alone because I am able to have a shower, and kids aren’t mean to me.”

A 9 year old boy describes the impact of benefiting from Beddown’s The Good Night Initiative with his Mum.

On Saturday night, Beddown had the opportunity to thank the AMA Queensland Foundation in person at their annual Charity Gala for their incredible donation last year, enabling the Foundation to become our major donor for The Good Night Initiative.

Joining special guests, including Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeanette Young AC PSM; Professor Nimmo RFD; Vanessa Fowler OAM Co-Chair, Queensland Government Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council; Chair of AMA Queensland Foundation Dr Dilip Dhupelia and his wife Mrs Ann Dhupelia (pictured in video); guests wore purple to represent the Foundation’s fundraising focus for this year—supporting organisations working on the frontline of domestic and family violence.

Our CEO Paul and Deputy CEO Nerissa were honoured to be able to share the huge impact the Foundation’s donation has made to people sleeping rough via Beddown’s The Good Night Initiative.

Since February this year, Beddown has provided bed nights to over 200 people throughout Queensland, 57 of whom were children. With 94% of people assisted identifying as women and two-thirds seeking support for homelessness due to domestic and family violence, there is no doubt that the Foundation will continue to make extraordinary impacts in the coming year with their 2024 focus.

Please join us in giving a huge thank you to the AMA Queensland Foundation.

(Hervey Bay Neighbhourhood Centre) | Protea Place Women’s Support Centre | Womens Centre FNQ

Watch our video re-cap here.

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